Hey Satyrs!
This month’s Sexy Satyrday Show was an extra special show brought to you by The Handy! Using this super cool sex toy that they sent me, we played 3 JOI games, and this was our most interactive live show ever! When I use the remote to control Dennis’ Handy, it also controlled every viewer’s Handy too! With a touch of a button I can control how fast, how slow, how long, how short, each stroke is on your cock! Follow along with your hands or get yourself a Handy by clicking here and have me stroke for you!
Buy The Handy!
If you’ve never watched before, Sexy Satyrday is our monthly live cam show where I chat with you guys, our Satyrs! Stay tuned to my Twitter (@SexyMissSaffron), Reddit (reddit.com/r/sexy_saffron), or Pornhub to find out where and when the show will happen each Satyrday! Click here to watch all past Sexy Satyrday episodes!
Length: 61 Minutes
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