Hey Satyrs!
Here’s what’s cumming this month:
Daily Premium Snaps on OnlyFans!
I will try to keep our regular Masturbation Monday schedule for posting full-length videos, but with the move our life is a bit chaotic, so while I’ll try my best, we may be late or even miss a Monday. You can keep up to date with what we’re doing over on Instagram.com/saffron.bacchus – we’ve been posting lots of farm content and more personal daily life stuff!
With all that said, don’t worry we’re still focused on making porn, this is just a short chaotic time and we hope to be back to our regular schedule in November!
Make sure to subscribe to my Subreddit or Twitter or just check back here every week so you never miss a Masturbation Monday!
I hope you enjoyed the taste of what’s to cum!